Homeschooling is growing in popularity. There is now an estimated 2.3 million children that receive a home-based education, and the numbers are continuing to grow every year. So, why is it that more parents are considering homeschooling? The reasons may vary from family to family, whether it’s because of religious reasons, family values, or a concern for a child’s well-being. Regardless, there are many evidence-based studies that are changing the way people look at homeschooling. 


Five Evidence Based Advantages of a Home-Based Education:


Over two decades, studies have shown that all types of home-based education, also known as “home-schooling”, is associated with high academic achievement, healthy social, psychological, and emotional development, and success later in life for those who went through a home-based education system (Galloway & Sutton, 1999; Ray, 2005)


1. Customised environment

Parents have the ability to provide a customized learning environment, giving students a better chance to succeed. In a home-based environment where the pace of instruction is based on the individual, the student learns at their own pace and not at the pace determined by the group. They can spend more time on the subjects that interest them and not the time that is predetermined by a timetable.


2. Better academic performance

In the USA, when it comes to testing for college preparedness, students who were homeschooled performed above average on the ACT and SAT, and are receiving more and more recruitment opportunities by universities each year. In fact, Stanford accepts one in 20 schooled applicants and one in 5 homeschooled applicants to be a part of their program every year.  Roughly 80% of high school students admit they don’t enjoy school. This results in many high school students not having the motivation to continue education, while homeschooled students reported to be more motivated to further their schooling.


3. Adulthood

Research shows that adults who received home-based education as children, are more active in their community.


4. Social involvement

While many parents might think their child’s social life would be compromised if they used a home-based education system, that’s simply not the case.


Brian Ray, President of the National Home Education Research Institute, notes that most homeschooled students are involved in sports at some level, volunteer on a regular basis, and regularly interact with others through clubs and organizations. Ray said “research shows that in terms of self-concept, self-esteem and the ability to get along in groups, homeschoolers do just as well as their public (or private) school peers”.


Another advocate of home-schooling is Jeffrey Koonce, a school superintendent in Miller County, Missouri. Koonce wrote his doctoral dissertation on how homeschool students handle their transition into a public high school, and concluded that the majority of the time, children that were homeschooled were more mature and socially adept then their non-homeschooled peers. He adds, that the homeschooled children too on the “get real…get a life” mindset.


5. Safety, Health, Happiness

A study conducted by the National Jewish Health (NJH) in Denver, Colorado, revealed that children who are homeschooled, tend to be happier and healthier than others. Not only that, but they were also said to excel academically and socially. According to the study, it has to do with sleep, and how homeschooled children get more sleep than those who attend traditional educational institutes.


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